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English: stroke. American: slash.
English: full stop. American: period (punctuation)
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Sunday, church and Sunday school in the morning. I sat in a little kids chair made out of plastic, and it broke! lol. Teach me not to use things that aren't intended for me ^_^ Sunday dinner at the Sheils, little nibbles for snack and then chicken for dinner! We also stopped by the Sims for a cup of tea, and got to meet their kids and talk to Sue. Then Becky and I went to contemporary service at St Johns in Colchester! Met a bunch of other Americans who are volunteering for the semester, who are part of a cell group at St Johns. I've missed being around people my own age!

Tuesday I met with Rev Tim for PPB (prayer, planning, and Bible study) instead of on Monday, and that was great, as usual :) Tim and I discussed plans for the Edge youth group, and came up with some ideas that I think the kids will really like! We shall see :) Then I went to Tesco to pick up some supplies for youth group and youth club, and bought myself a new scarf and purple tights! I hope they're cute on me ^_^
Right now, I'm preparing for my friend Kathleen to visit me this weekend!!! I'm on half-term this next week, which is like a periodic school holiday, so Kathleen coming to stay with me is really perfect timing :) She's in YAGM and TFG as well, and she's serving in Sunningdale, England which is near Reading. I'm tossing around ideas in my head of fun things for us to do with weekend! I can't wait to see her :) This is a picture of myself and Kathleen at Waterloo tube station in London!
Also, 3 girls from my Bible study back home and I are convening in Paris for New Years!!! We've just confirmed our dates for the trip- 29 Dec through 2 Jan. I cannot wait!!! Looking at hostels right now :)
That's all for now! Cheers!
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