Word Comparison:
English: pavement. American: sidewalk. I always mess that one up!
English: Squash. American: fruit drink, similar to juice.
This will be a short entry, because I'm pressed for time.
Quick recap of the week:
Saturday I went into London and met up with 3 of my friends from YAGM, serving in other places in England. It was spectacular. I am becoming so close to the other 8 YAGM UK volunteers... love them!
Sunday was service. I did Sunday school with the kids at St Mary's. The kids collected conkers! The Sheils took me into Dedham for Sunday dinner and I had cream tea :D Went to service at the Methodist church to be introduced to their congregation. Then went to Evensong service at St Peter's, and supper with the Sheils again afterwards. Yum.
Homegroup on Monday was awesome! We talked about the importance of worship, including different kinds of worship. The adults, including the ultra-conservative-never-want-to-change-anything adults, agreed that the youth should be supported in doing a contemporary evening worship service fortnightly! :D
Tuesday, hung out with Pippa and Alice and taught them Mao!
Wednesday was my first practice with Boxted Methodist Silver Band! I can't read treble clef. This is a huge problem lol
Thursday was the Point and it was very fun :)
Meeting with my supervisor, Denise, and the Edge youth club tonight both were very good and productive.
The youth are interested in doing a service project! Whoot!
Now, bed :)
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