Here's a short story about Wales I wrote as part of a creative writing/art exercise the YAGMs did at the TFG Big Conference in Wales.
"Mmmmm, fresh morning-frost grass! My favourite. Just a slight silver frosting on top of the mountain. Not that warm, mushy afternoon grass or grass that's covered so deeply in snow that I can't even get to it!"
Tammy the sheep was happily munching on a patch next to her best friend, Eva. Tammy loved being around Eva; she has such a calming presence, and Tammy didn't get into trouble nearly as often when Eva was there. She made sure that they only went down to the stream for water at least 30 minutes before the herd moved on, so they were never left behind. Also, Eva was considered one of the 'cool' lambs in the herd, which meant Tammy wasn't picked on near as much when she was in Eva's vicinity. However, Malfoy the sheep, the biggest bully in the herd, was heading their way right now! Tammy started to tense up, just as the sight of him trotting towards them.
"Hiya Eva, you're a wee star, hen!" said Malfoy.
"Hello, Malfoy. You alright?" asked Eva.
Tammy the sheep tried to slowly inch away from the two, trying to get away from Malfoy the bully.
"Where do you think you're going there, Tammy?" asked Malfoy, a sneer forming on his lips.
"No, I... I'm not going..." muttered Tammy.
All of the sudden, a human started running down the mountainside at them. Tammy freaked out, let out couple of stray bleats, and ran away from the crazy human being running straight towards them, shouting some crazy human gibberish:
"Let me pet you, sheep!!!"